NPN 80092584
半夏五两 (15g) | 白茯苓三两 (9g) |
橘红五两 (15g) | 炙甘草一两半 (5g) |
【用法】 加生姜7片,乌梅1个,水煎,温服。
【功用】 燥湿化痰,理气和中。
1. 辨证要点:本方为燥湿化痰的基础方、常用方、代表方。临床应用以咳嗽,痰多色白易咯,舌苔白腻,脉滑为辨证要点。
2. 现代运用:本方常用于慢性支气管炎、急慢性胃炎、梅尼尔氏合征病、神经性呕吐等属湿痰者。
3. 注意事项:因本方性燥,故燥痰者慎用;吐血、消渴、阴虚、血虚者忌用本方。
Health Interest
Women's Health & Hormonal Balance
Herb Delivery
Traditional Herbal Proprietary Blend
Pinellia Ternata
Known for its phlegm-resolving effect properties and digestion support.
Traditionally Sourced Ingredients:
Our herbs are sourced from trusted suppliers who adhere to traditional cultivation methods, ensuring authenticity and potency.
Rigorous Quality Testing:
Each batch undergoes comprehensive testing to ensure purity and safety, free from contaminants and additives.
Sustainably Harvested:
We prioritize sustainability in our sourcing practices, supporting environmental health and community well-being.
Commitment to Excellence:
Our products are crafted in state-of-the-art facilities that meet international quality standards, guaranteeing the highest level of efficacy.
Certified Organic Ingredients
Bethune Herbs' Er Chen Tang is crafted using certified organic herbs sourced from trusted growers. These herbs are cultivated in their natural environment, ensuring no fillers or artificial substances are included. Our commitment to traditional Chinese medicine principles guarantees the highest quality and efficacy.
Does not contain
Corn, Dairy, Gluten, Peanuts, Shellfish, Soy, Sugar, Tree Nuts, Yeast